please don't leave..... ?

The Duo

film photography
Ain't no "i" in "team"
18plus Art.

Soooo... Ya wanna know somethin?


Well, this is me.  Also CREATOR of the website.  MmmHmm.  That's me.  I know, I know... Tripod... free website thingie.. YEAHH.
Someday I'll have the knowledge to create better websites.  But for now, ya gunna have to deal with this crappy little website.
My name is Ashley.  I'm a Visual Arts student at Grenfell University in Corner Brook, Newfoundland.  I like metal and techno, and horror movies.  And art too I suppose.  ;)


Let's not forget my partner in crime; Suzanne!  Little Suzanne is also a Visual Arts student at Grenfell. 
Suzanne arrived in Newfoundland a few years ago from Africa.  She stowed away in a milk crate and pretended she was milk just so she could get out of Africa!  And by all that I mean, she got here by plane... and sat in a regular airplane seat I guess.  She actually is from Africa.  I'm not lying this time.
Suzanne's likes includes.... icecream?.. and............. socks?
P.s.  Suzanne totally did not help me with this page.  GIVE ALL THE CREDIT TO ME!  .....Ha, juuuust kidding.  She did take a few pictures for our website.  And uhh.... helped.. discuss... things?

Oh, and no stalkers please.  I've already had my share.